Projet Erasmus+
Animal Assisted Therapy in Adults (AATA)
Présentation du projet
Acronyme :
Nom :
Animal Assisted Therapy in Adults
Catégorie du projet:
KA210-SCH – Small-scale partnerships in school education
Présentation succinte:
The Animal Assisted Therapy in Adults (AATA) project, funded by the European Union under KA210, aims to promote the benefits of Animal-Assisted Therapy in improving physical and mental well-being.
Partnering with organizations across Germany, Turkey, Greece, and France, including Edupals, Avrupa Yenilikçi Toplum Derneği, Fthia in action, and Cercle Augustin d’Hippone, the project aims to create innovative learning spaces and foster community engagement to support active aging and well-being.
Targeting adult learners, elderly individuals, educators, and healthcare professionals, the project seeks to enhance awareness and understanding of AAT, while also building the competences of professionals in implementing ethical and effective AAT practices.
Start date: 01/01/2024
End Date: 31/03/2025
Partenaires :
Germany (coordinator) : Edupals
Turkey : Avrupa Yenitikçi Toplum Dernegi
Greece : Fathia in Action
France : Cercle Augustin d’Hippone (CAH)

Actualités du projet
Learning, Training and Teaching Activities – AAT Animal Assisted Therapy – Regensbourg, Germany, 5-10 August 2024
Projet Erasmus+ AATA – Sondage sur la thérapie assistée par les animaux
Cette enquête fait partie du projet AATA 2023-2-DE02-KA210-ADU-000174382, financé par l’Union européenne dans le cadre du KA210, visant à promouvoir les avantages de la zoothérapie (AAT) pour améliorer le bien-être physique et mental. En participant à cette enquête,...
In a bid to delve into the realms of innovative therapy practices, the Animal Assisted Therapy in Adults project, funded under the prestigious Erasmus+ program, saw its inaugural gathering in the picturesque city of Paris. The rendezvous, held on March 9th & 10th,...