In a bid to delve into the realms of innovative therapy practices, the Animal Assisted Therapy in Adults project, funded under the prestigious Erasmus+ program, saw its inaugural gathering in the picturesque city of Paris. The rendezvous, held on March 9th & 10th, 2024, brought together a consortium of partners hailing from diverse backgrounds – Greece, Turkey, Germany, and France.
The primary objective of this ambitious project is to explore the transformative potential of animal companionship in therapy sessions targeted at adults. Over the two days, partners immersed themselves in discussions centered around the project’s core objectives and anticipated outcomes.
Project Objectives:
- Promote Awareness and Appreciation of Animal-Assisted Therapy
- Strengthen Professional Competencies in Animal-Assisted Therapy Practices
- Tailor Therapy Interventions to Address Individual Health and Well-being Requirements
- Foster Social Engagement and Well-being Among Older
- Adults through Community Involvement
A noteworthy highlight of the gathering was the multicultural exchange facilitated by the diverse composition of the consortium. Effective communication prevailed, underscoring the universal language of compassion and collaboration.
Looking ahead, the project is poised to embark on a journey of discovery and transformation, with the shared goal of harnessing the therapeutic potential of human-animal interactions. Through collaborative efforts and unwavering dedication, the consortium endeavors to pave the way for positive change and healing in communities across borders.
Participating Organizations:
- Germany: Edupals gemeinnützige UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
- Turkey: Avrupa Yenilikçi Toplum Derneği
- France: Cercle Augustin d’Hippone